Upgrading Drupal on Oracle (again)

drush vset maintenance_mode 0

Doesn’t bloody work with an Oracle install. Typical.

Well – today I don’t have the time nor the inclination to get to investigate, so, went in via the GUI, and set to maintenance mode.

Then I got on with the command line options.

drush dl
chown -R user:web-user drupal-7.xy
cd drupal-7.xy
rm -rf ./sites
cd ../
cp -pR html/sites/ ./drupal-7.xy/
chmod 000 drupal-7.xy/*.txt
chmod 644 drupal-7.xy/robots.txt




So – step one done, downloaded and copied most of the things as required.
Now need to patch the update.in file as I detailed here.

cp html/includes/update.inc.patch drupal-7.xy/includes/
cd drupal-7.xy/includes/
cp update.inc update.inc.bak
patch --dry-run -i update.inc.patch
patch -i update.inc.patch
diff update.inc.bak update.inc
chown user update.inc

Phew – now done the patch.

One last thing – copy the Oracle Database driver to the new area.

cp -pR html/includes/database/oracle ./drupal-7.xy/includes/database/

Now move the new directory into place, and run the update.php

mv html/ html-old
mv drupal-7.xy/ html/

Browser to to http://www.site.name/update.php

All done..

Use Gui to turn off maintenance mode.

Clear cache from CLI

cd html/
drush cc all


Reckon I should (could) script that now…..

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About Kieran

Old school hacker, amateur photographer, petrolhead, geek, father. ( and I might just like planes ) http://www.kieranreynolds.co.uk
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