Coffee shop relaxation

This is the result of what I was going to blog when I was relaxing and having a coffee and sarnie, by the way of a very late lunch after a morning TKD session. (that incidentally was a sweat box, but very much fun 😀 )

Well, I thought I’d attempt the classic techie shopping and lunch trip – and by the by, have a nice coffee in a random coffee shop and do some surfing.

So, after getting one or two little items, which was a little less than I had thought, or wanted, but one store didn’t have what I was looking for, I thought I would sit down in MK’s Starbucks or Costa, and enjoy some gentle caffeine enhanced relaxation.

So – first off, I wanted Internet, you know, catch up on some of the news I’ve missed, maybe even write a blog post about something, simple enough I guess, my MacBook connected to “_The_Cloud” – but then I can’t surf without signing up – or remembering what I signed up with on my iPhone what seems like a billion years ago, and connecting and resetting my password would mean I needed access to email – which requires Internet access…. which.. yeah, ok see the problem ? (Astute readers will say why didn’t I read the email off my phone ? – well…… )

OK then, lets try my iPhone itself, and tether.

4 attempts at connecting, ok, I can’t whinge too loudly at that, I haven’t connected this MacBook to my iPhone (did with my old MacBook)

A tiny glimpse of Internet via my Galaxy SIII, so I kick off an update of a plugin on a website of min, but…… then nothing.

So that is Problem 2 – Vodafone, whilst saying I have 4 bars, and 3G signal (this being an iPhone 4S – no 4G), I have now lost the Internet. (so, back to problem about getting email….)

OK – try again, with my Samsumg Galaxy SIII mini, and although this connected first time (but, I have used that phone on this MacBook whilst I was on holiday last week), but, again, although the service provider is saying decent signal – I’ve got no Internet.

And the biggest pain in the arse of all – I didn’t charge any of my devices last night, so whilst I am now currently writing this on a MacBoook Pro in Pages instead of online on my blog, I’m doing it with only 11% of battery 🙁

OK – it reckons 0:39 hours left, which should mean I make it to the end of my steak and cheese sarnie and coffee, but, pretty much bugger all else.

So I’ve dropped the backlit keyboard off, and dropped the screen brightness down to a point where it’s dark enough to almost think the text is dark grey on a slightly lighter dark grey – and the battery life has now dropped to 0:35 remaining.

And the update of a plugin on my site, still hasn’t finished –  the connection I have, tenuous at best, hasn’t been fast enough to update the page quick enough before I was careless, and lost the Internet.

So what I have done with this blog entry, is write it in Pages, so that I can get my thoughts down, and will upload when I get home, to something approaching a broadband connection.

Question is, will I get to the end of writing the blog entry before the battery on the MackBook dies ?

Chances are actually pretty good, it’s a decent bit of kit to be fair, but technology, batteries especially, don’t last forever.

Now my iPhone is at 15%, and GSIII is at 21%, and this MacBook is 7%, I’ve finished my coffee, and more than ready to go home.

So, technology makes things easier ?

Hmmmm, today, not so convinced, although I did want a nice relaxing time in a coffee shop, I got one, just not in the way I had envisaged.

I would have been better off reading a book, but my Kindle isn’t charged……

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About Kieran

Old school hacker, amateur photographer, petrolhead, geek, father. ( and I might just like planes )
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