
What a lot of crap.

I’ve been looking at more “tidying” up of this site, amongst others, and finding out what I should and should not have on my site.

One of those things is legal bumpf…

What a minefield.

Cookies, Terms and Conditions, Copyright, Dislaimers, Privacy Policies, Linking Policy, “spam” policy.

Good grief, looking at all that stuff has taken me most of the freaking day…
Most of a day of *NOT* writing/shooting/editing the actual content I want for here.

Wondering if I could I simplify it to:

1) Don’t copy my content, ever.
I will get very shitty with you if I find that out, and you will be subject to legal cease and desist notices for which you will comply.

2) I won’t lie, stuff here will have facts behind it, or evidence to support my opinions.
I may be critical, tough, I expect high standards, lots of people don’t meet them, if you are one of them that I am critical of, buck your ideas up, then I won’t be critical.

3) I will link to other sites, for various reasons, either as examples, or endorsements, or whatever I see fit, the why will be obvious in the article(s).

4) Privacy is a concern, if I allow you to register, I will protect your data, whatever I collect,which won’t be much.
I also won’t share that with anyone, unless some idiot court order tells me to, and even then I will try to fight it.
I also probably won’t look at it myself, and I will do my damnest to make sure others won’t either, they certainly won’t be looking with my permission.

I may use your email address to send you an email that, as you have registered, implies you are interested in some of my content.
If you don’t want to be emailed, let me know, and your account will be terminated.
Your IP address, OS type, browser type, and what you looked at is all logged, that’s for me to find out what content is popular or not, and to give me details about how the server and site is performing.

I won’t be bothered to look at that to trace you personally, I just don’t care, unless you try to hack the site, then, I will be pissed off, so I’ll just simply hand that data to the authorities, and they can come smashing your door down at 04:00…… your choice.

5) I will use cookies somewhere to make the site work, your use of the site is implicit agreement you don’t mind.

6) I may use an advertising service (Google AdSense) – they will use cookies, I can’t do anything about them, if you don’t like it, read their policy, and/or stop your browser accepting them.

7) I may use hard language (including foul language if I decide it’s appropriate) – get over it, and toughen up.
I’m not going to be talking hard core sex here, or violence, or such like, so I’m happy for under 18’s to read it.
If you, as a parent don’t want your kids reading my stuff, other than it’s their (and your) loss – it’s *YOUR* responsibility to know what your kids are doing online, and teach them appropriately, not mine to make my content less objectionable to you (or them).

8) I won’t send out SPAM, and SPAM sent to me will be deleted.
If you receive SPAM you think is from me – keep it, don’t delete it unless you have spoken to me, doing that won’t help me fix it if there is a problem my end.
Inform me, and then I will let you know what bits I need from it to prove/disprove it was/wasn’t me to either fix any issue, or to tell you that you are mistaken.

You send me SPAM, and you are a registered user, I delete your account, and ban your email address.

9) I withhold the right to block any and all access to the site to anyone, or any entity that I decide, it’s my site – so it’s my decision.

You know, it’s not very “politically correct” some of that, or probably legal, but, I think it works.

Shakespeare was right…. “first kill all the lawyers”

(yes …. it should be “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”. – (Henry VI; Act IV, Scene II).)

Minor rant over…..
Normal service will be resumed soon.

UPDATE: – I’ve added this to the “Legal” pages of the site, as it kinda says a whole host of things that I agree with, I’d not have said them otherwise.

Also, it’s says nothing that the other policies don’t….

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About Kieran

Old school hacker, amateur photographer, petrolhead, geek, father. ( and I might just like planes )
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